Ways To Prevent Breast Cancer

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 Breast Cancer Prevention for All Women:


Most cancer cases result from the influence of environmental factors and lifestyle choices. However, changing some of these factors that may increase the risk of developing the disease can provide an opportunity to reduce the likelihood of breast cancer. Here are ways to prevent breast cancer for all women:

-1- Diet and Lifestyle:

There are several recommendations directed at all women without exception, which include focusing on a balanced, healthy diet and exercising regularly to prevent various health issues, such as diabetes, heart disease, and different forms of cancer. Speaking of the relationship between breast cancer and an individual's diet, a number of benefits can be achieved by quitting alcoholic beverages, consuming low amounts of saturated fats, paying attention to healthy eating, and maintaining a healthy weight. Nevertheless, no clear and definitive conclusions have been reached in this area, as there is no specific diet or type of food that prevents breast cancer.

However, it should be noted the importance of certain foods in enhancing the immune system's strength in the body, making the body healthier, and reducing the chances of cancer as much as possible, such as vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and legumes. Additionally, diversifying food sources ensures that the body receives all the nutrients it needs, thereby improving physical and mental health and providing the energy the body requires. Furthermore, consuming vegetables and fruits that have not been exposed to pesticides may help prevent changes in the body's cells. Attention should also be focused on women in the menopause stage, highlighting the necessity of avoiding obesity and weight gain during this specific age period, as obesity and weight gain can stimulate the body to increase estrogen secretion, which in turn contributes to a higher risk of certain types of breast cancer.

It is also worth mentioning that individuals should quit smoking as much as possible, due to several pieces of evidence indicating a link between smoking and the risk of breast cancer, especially concerning women before menopause. Regular exercise, whether moderate or vigorous, may also help reduce the risk of breast cancer. Therefore, the American Cancer Society recommends that adults engage in at least 150 minutes of moderate exercise or 75 minutes of vigorous exercise weekly, or a combination of both, preferably distributed throughout the week. 

-2- Reducing breast tissue exposure to estrogen produced by the body:  

The reduced duration of breast tissue exposure to estrogen may contribute to preventing breast cancer. There are several different ways that may reduce the amount of exposure of breast tissue to estrogen, including the following:  
- Breastfeeding: The risk of a woman developing breast cancer is lower if she breastfeeds her child compared to other women who do not breastfeed. This is attributed to the fact that estrogen levels in a woman's body are lower during the breastfeeding period.  
- Early pregnancy: Estrogen levels are lower during pregnancy, so a woman who has a full-term pregnancy before the age of twenty has a lower chance of developing breast cancer compared to other women who do not have children or those who have their first pregnancy after the age of 35 .

- 3- Reducing the dosage and duration of hormone therapy:  

The use of hormone therapy for a period exceeding three to five years increases the risk of developing breast cancer. Here lies the importance of consulting a doctor to identify the best alternative options in case hormone therapy is needed, such as using it to manage menopausal symptoms. Alternative treatments can help alleviate menopausal symptoms, which may eliminate the need for hormone therapy, such as non-hormonal medications. However, if the anticipated benefits of using hormone therapy for a short period outweigh the risks, the woman should use the lowest effective dose of hormone therapy, while ensuring to visit the doctor and remain under medical supervision throughout the duration of hormone therapy.

-4- Avoiding Birth Control Pills: 

  Women who smoke or are over the age of 35 should avoid taking birth control pills, as the risk of heart attack and stroke increases when a woman takes birth control pills, especially among female smokers. Not only that, but taking birth control pills also slightly increases the risk of breast cancer, although this risk quickly diminishes once the pills are discontinued. Therefore, in cases of significant concerns about breast cancer, it is advisable to avoid taking birth control pills to reduce the risk of the disease. It should be noted that the risk for women who take birth control pills at an early age is lower compared to those who take them at an older age. While birth control pills have drawbacks, they also have benefits that positively affect women's health. Long-term use of birth control pills helps reduce the risk of colon cancer, ovarian cancer, and uterine cancer.

-5- Early Detection of Breast Cancer:

Women should consult their doctor and discuss the most appropriate time to start undergoing tests and screenings for breast cancer, such as clinical breast exams and mammography, and make a decision regarding the type of breast cancer screening strategy suitable for their condition. It is important to discuss with the doctor the risks and benefits of breast cancer screening methods. Women are advised to perform breast self-exams from time to time, and if they notice any unusual signs, they should consult a specialist doctor. If there are any changes, lumps, or any other abnormal signs in the breast, they should see the doctor and talk to them as soon as possible. On another note, breast cancer screening using mammography is effective and helps save lives. Although it does not prevent cancer, it contributes to early detection, as the likelihood of successful treatment is greater in the early stages. Regular mammography screening may begin for most women at age forty; however, there are specific recommendations that vary based on the risk of developing the disease and the woman's age, which can be clarified as follows:
- Age group 40-44 years: It may be advisable to start annual mammography, and discussions with the doctor about the benefits and harms of mammography at this age should be held.
- Age group 45-54 years: Recommendations indicate the importance of annual mammography during this age period.
- Age 55 years or older: At this age, it is recommended to have mammography every two years, although it can also be chosen to be performed annually.

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